Препоръчани книги

Control or Economic Law Control or Economic Law

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk

Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk was a giant of the Austrian School. Finally, here is an approachable book by him. His masterworks on interest and capital run up to 1000-plus pages. Everyone should read them, as Mises said, but of course it is a bit much to

Democracy, Liberty, and Property Democracy, Liberty, and Property

Merrill D. Peterson

In one volume, Democracy, Liberty, and Property provides an overview of the state constitutional conventions held in the 1820s. With topics as relevant today as they were then, this collection of essential primary sources sheds light on many of the

On China On China

Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger is the famous American diplomat. His new book, On China, is a fine history of the “Central State” focusing on the late Qing and early Communist periods. On China is destined to be assigned reading in graduate schools for years,

The Origins Of Political Order The Origins Of Political Order

Francis Fukuyama

This is Francis Fukuyama's most important book since the pathbreaking End of History. Nations are not trapped by their pasts, but events that happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago continue to exert huge influence on present-day politics.


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... и всичко това за абонамент на цената на една книга




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