Препоръчани книги

 The Power to Tax: Analytical Foundations of a Fiscal Constitution The Power to Tax: Analytical Foundations of a Fiscal Constitution

James M. Buchanan

Commenting on his collaboration with Geoffrey Brennan on The Power to Tax, James M. Buchanan says that the book is “demonstrable proof of the value of genuine research collaboration across national-cultural boundaries.” Buchanan goes on to say

The Founders' Constitution The Founders' Constitution

Philip B. Kurland (ed.), Ralph Lerner (ed.)

In this unique anthology, Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner draw on the writings of a wide array of people engaged in the problem of making popular government safe, steady, and accountable. The documents included range from the early seventeenth

Essays in Positive Economics Essays in Positive Economics

Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman's book Essays in Positive Economics (1953) is a collection of earlier articles by the author with as its lead an original essay "The Methodology of Positive Economics," on which this article focuses. The most basic counsel of this

The Principles of Natural and Politic Law The Principles of Natural and Politic Law

Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui

The year 1694 saw the death of Samuel Pufendorf, who, with Hugo Grotius, was the foremost representative of the modern tradition of natural law theory, and the birth of Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, who helped transform the tradition and convey it to new


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